Orthodontics (Transparent Plate or Wire Treatment)

It is the branch of science that deals with the correction of skeletal disorders in the jaws and crowding in the teeth. Skeletal disorders cannot be corrected by orthodontic treatment in individuals who have completed their growth and development, but dental crowding can be corrected at any age.

Fixed Orthodontic Treatment

In addition to the various appliances used by orthodontists, the most commonly used treatment method is the treatment with the help of fixed brackets and wires. The brackets attached to the teeth can be metal or tooth-coloured.

Movable Orthodontic Treatment

They are apertures that patients can put on and take off by themselves. It can only be used in appropriate cases, not in all cases.

Chin Orthopaedics

It is the process of correcting the incompatibilities of the lower and upper jaw relative to each other and to the skull base with special appliances. It is usually carried out together with orthodontic treatment.


It is an orthodontic treatment applied by means of transparent aligners used in relatively mild cases. These aligners are renewed as the teeth are replaced.

The type, duration and price of the treatment are determined by the orthodontist specifically for each case.

Why Orthodontics?

It is more difficult to provide oral hygiene with crooked teeth, and therefore gum disorders and caries occur more easily.

In case of crowding and when the joint relationship is disturbed, chewing cannot be done completely and some problems start in the digestive system.

In cases where the upper and lower teeth are not fully compatible with each other, excessive load on the jaw joint or a single tooth can cause painful and difficult to treat problems.

Aesthetically, incredible changes can be created especially in some cases.

Orthodontic braces are one of the best options to organise your smile and regain your health.

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